Multi-Dimensional Leadership
& High Performance Coaching
- helping high achievers reach their potential -
My clients are high achievers across all industries who are committed to thriving. Whether they are in a demanding work environment, navigating a career or personal transition, or stepping into a new level of leadership, they see an opportunity to go from good to great, and from great to extraordinary. They are hungry, motivated, and inspired to tap into their fullest personal and professional power.
And they want to do this while staying true to themselves and their values.
High achievers often discover that their outward professional success doesn’t necessarily paint a complete picture. Does this sound familiar?
As much as you’ve already accomplished, many of you sense that there’s an opportunity for more. Your external accomplishments often don’t fully reflect your lived experience. In important ways you know that there’s untapped potential awaiting you — both in what you do and in how you experience it. Your challenging workplace environment, the heavy demands on your communication and interpersonal skills, burnout, lack of confidence, or the harsh internal landscape you experience — these are the kinds of obstacles that can stand between you and everything you are capable of.
My clients don’t accept that — they want more. And, importantly, they have the courage to recognize that their current way of being in the world no longer fully serves them. They are willing to take responsibility for their own success and fulfillment. And they acknowledge that while external circumstances absolutely play a part, their most powerful opportunity lies in how they relate to those circumstances.
This is the work that I do. Working at the intersection of career and personal development, I partner with clients to help them reach their potential. Together we work to deepen their self awareness, tap into their courage, trust their resilience, grow their skills, and strengthen their ability to relate to their circumstances in new and empowering ways.
What happens when we begin to relate to our circumstances in a new way?
Over and over again in the quiet, focused space of a coaching conversation, I have witnessed significant, transformative shifts take place. Away from our hectic lives, and in the presence of deep listening, focused questions, and loving but firm challenges to our old ways of being — here is where lasting change occurs.
My clients regularly experience important, sustained shifts in their thoughts, feelings and actions. And these shifts drive noticeable results. Clients become less reactive, more confident and creative, and more able to slow down and access their best selves — whether at work or at home. Relationships improve, promotions arrive, leadership strengthens, energy increases, and previously significant obstacles soften and often melt away.

Coaching is powerful.
I know this because I have experienced it firsthand. Those closest to me will share that I am a different person as a result of the coaching I’ve received. I am more grounded, confident, and authentic. I’m kinder to myself, more flexible, more present, and much more powerfully attuned to my own gifts (and blind spots!) These changes have created substantial professional success and personal fulfillment.
Why is this? Most high achievers have a pretty clear idea of what they want to create and accomplish. The knowing part is often the easy part. The challenge lies in identifying — and then changing — what’s holding us back. Almost all of us carry with us persistent beliefs, patterns and fears that stand in our way of our biggest vision for ourselves. When we can face those fears, create new patterns, and choose different, more empowering beliefs, we have the power to reshape our lives.
“I highly recommend Elizabeth to anyone who is learning to embody their extraordinary self...”
— Robyn Kievit Kirkman, NP, RD
My work is multi-dimensional
because you are multi-dimensional.
I do not believe in one-size-fits-all platitudes.
I do not believe we are limited to binary, either-or choices.
I do not believe we are ever just one thing.
I do believe that it’s possible to be both powerful and generous, confident and vulnerable, a leader and a learner. To be assertive and warm. To have questions and answers. To put your own needs first and serve others. To be both brave and afraid. To have a persuasive voice and be a generous collaborator.
When we can hold and acknowledge the beautiful and challenging paradox of our full selves, we become capable of greatness.
Individual & Corporate Coaching
You are the curriculum — whether as an individual or a team.
When you work with me you experience coaching that is specific to you, your goals, and your challenges. You also experience a depth of perspective and insight drawn from my own unique place at the intersection of high-level coaching, world-class performance, and industry-shaping social justice advocacy.
Coaching requires significant commitment, both from the client and from the coach.
Our conversations are fueled by curiosity, compassion, and courage. When we choose to partner together we choose to look at the hard stuff, and we do it together, side by side — anchored in my fierce belief in everything you are capable of, and fueled by our shared commitment to creating your most thriving life.