World’s Worst Boss (& Gifts)


Today's message was inspired by a recent conversation with a client where we explored what it means to be a loving witness — to others and to ourselves. 

What does it look like to simply accompany — without judging, or trying to influence, or hoping to “fix"? 

Have you experienced this in your own life? From others? From yourself? If so, you understand the power that comes from being seen.

Being a loving witness to another person is profound. 

It's a bit radical in today's world. 

And it's rare.

And in many ways this is how I experience you, dear reader. You have accompanied me, witnessed me, during this year of BOTH/AND. I don't presume to imply that there's been love behind that act of witnessing — and I don't assume there hasn't been, either.

Thank you for that.



The new year will bring new experiences and opportunities — for you and for me.

There's a lot I don't know about 2025: What will it be like to hear the BSO for the first time since I left? (I still haven’t been to a concert.) What kinds of inner and outer growth will I witness in my courageous, kick-a** clients? Will Chester the dog ever quit barking at the Roku screensaver? And when can I peel the masking tape off my favorite mug — the mug that reads “World’s Best Boss”? (I’ve had to temporarily cover up the “best” after a few months of working for myself — more on this in a future message.)


There's a lot you probably don't know, too. (Unless you have access to that magical crystal ball I keep trying to get my hands on.)

But you can know this: you matter to me. You have made a difference, by the simple but powerful act of bearing witness.

This matters.



So, as a small thank you, I've compiled below a short list of the podcast episodes, articles, books and videos I've shared most often this past year, in the hope that one, or some, will be useful to you. 


🩵 For those of you looking for inspiration (because we are all responsible for our own inspiration): Shonda Rhimes' TED talk and Roger Federer's commencement address.


🩵 For those of you who still believe that beating yourself up is the fastest route to excellence (I know you’re out there!): this powerful podcast episode with Kristin Neff, and this excellent article by a sports psychologist.


🩵 For those of you who are feeling overwhelmed: this short article by Brené Brown — she gets right to the heart of it.


🩵 For those of you who are grieving: Megan Devine's website and book. (And if you know someone who is grieving, this short video.)


🩵 For leaders who dread delivering feedback (especially those of you who think that being “nice” — aka not saying hard things — is the kindest thing you can do): start with this one pager from the Radical Candor team, and then do a deep dive with the book. And for those of you who want to increase your influence in the workplace: this fascinating podcast episode looks at balancing assertiveness and warmth.


🩵 For those of you who are in a goopy, squishy time of transition: Tara Mohr’s beautiful essayChrysalis Time.”


🩵 For those of you who (like me) sometimes stay up too late (revenge bedtime procrastination, anyone?): this classic 30-second Seinfeld riff. Ask yourself, are you being pushed around by your Night Guy? Is it time to take better care of Day Guy?


🩵 Last but not least, for those of you who are out there making courageous choices — and/or for those of you who might be judging or criticizing from the sidelines (we all do this sometimes) — the famous Teddy Roosevelt speech “Man in the Arena.” This version I share here is slightly edited and updated by me to include all. Download it here.



COMMUNITY: Please share this with a colleague or friend if there's something in here for them.

INSIGHTS: If some of these resources resonated and you’d like more, let me know! There's more I can send your way.

PEACE: I wish you a peaceful holiday season and a hopeful start to 2025. 


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